Timeless Service, Modern Success

Timeless Service, Modern Success: The Power of Old-Fashioned Customer Service

That good old fashioned customer service, it’s a phase that’s thrown around with a sense of nostalgia. Ever stopped to wonder why good customer service is so “old fashioned?”

I think I’ve figured it out. If you think back to the “good old days” — how did businesses find clients and more work? I’m talking about before the advent of mass marketing and social media… It was word of mouth referrals. It comes down to a narrowed focus, I find it extremely powerful to look at something with intent.

For example, imagine the only way that your business could generate leads and clients is via word of mouth — removal of ALL other lead sources. How would that change the way you do business? What would need a greater focus and what’s missing from your current offering that would limit your success.

I think this is where the old adage is formed, back in the day, the absolute reliance on word of mouth ensured the highest level of customer service.

I like to use the acronym NEAR — because the next wave of clients are so close to you, you just need a formula to access them

N — Needs — pay even closer attention to your customers NEEDS
E — Every — ensure the customer has a wildly amazing experience EVERY time
A — Ask — ensure you ASK your customers often for any referrals or introductions
R — Reward — ensure you acknowledge and REWARD customers that refer you

With the ability for businesses to effectively buy leads at an uncapped volume with modern marketing, the reliance and importance on referrals is diminished, and thus so has the attention and focus on customer service.

It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, we are all in CUSTOMER SERVICE


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